Unlock Cellular Healing:
Experience the Benefits of Cell Therapy


Are you constantly exhausted? Do your joints and muscles ache all the time? Do you struggle to stay at a consistent weight or participate in your favorite hobbies? If you’ve tried the conventional medicine available to you and experienced no relief, cellular therapy could be a treatment worth looking into as it can help boost your immune system and increase your energy levels.

How Does Cellular Therapy Work?

Cell therapy treatments consist of injections. During cell therapy, your specialist will inject new, healthy cells into your muscles. The intent is to replace any ill or malfunctioning cells that affect your body’s ability to heal itself.

The main reason patients choose to undergo cell therapy is to slow down the aging process. Why? As you age, your skin produces more creases and wrinkles, your joints aren’t as lubricated or flexible, and your energy drops. If you find it difficult to engage in the activities you once loved, like going for runs in nature or playing tag with your grandkids, then it’s time to find a different solution.

What’s the Difference Between Cell Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem cell therapy helps treat complicated conditions—an amazing feat—but it can only focus on one condition or illness at a time. Since stem cells can produce any kind of cell, such as brain or muscle cells, they aren’t organ-specific.

Cell therapy, on the other hand, uses more mature cells that are specific to any one organ. Once you receive a cell injection, these mature cells travel directly to the relevant organ and help regenerate it.

At South Florida Acupuncture, we are holistic healers that understand every part of your body is connected. We always begin by treating your body as a whole, then we focus on the specific organ causing your ailment. Patients often seek cell therapy for issues with these systems:

  • Immune and endocrine systems.
  • Pituitary, hypothalamus, and adrenal glands.
  • Connective tissues.
  • Skin.

Why is Cell Therapy Useful?

Cell therapy treats a wide range of concerns, whether they are related to beauty or health.