Ears, Nose, and Throat

Harmony of Senses, Serenity of Breath:
Acupuncture’s Journey to Ears, Nose, and Throat Wellness

You may suffer from a condition that affects your ear, nose, or throat, whether it is permanent or temporary. These conditions include:

  • Dizziness
  • Vertigo
  • Earaches
  • Sore throat
  • Rhinitis
  • Tinnitus
  • Sinusitis

Your ears, nose, and throat are especially vulnerable to environmental influences like cold, heat, wind, humidity, and dryness. By triggering the release of endorphins, acupuncture can help you:

  • Manage pain
  • Relieve pressure and congestion
  • Facilitate the drainage of fluid

If you prefer natural, holistic treatments to taking over-the-counter medication for your symptoms, acupuncture treatments may be for you. Additionally, you may be able to combine conventional medicine approaches with this solution.