How to Be Kinder to Yourself

Oct 7, 2019Anxiety and Depression Treatment Miami

When is the last time you stopped to consider how kind you’re being to yourself? If you’re like most people, it probably hasn’t even crossed your mind in quite some time. Luckily, at Mind and Soul Therapy, we’re here to offer a reminder. As a counseling center that focuses on anxiety and depression, we know the power that negative thinking can have over people.

That’s why in today’s post we’d like to share a simple bit of advice — consider how you think about yourself. For many, it’s all too easy to beat yourself up. You forgot to set the dumpster outside this morning. You spent more money on fast food this week than you wanted to. You don’t really like the way your hair looks. Whatever the case may be, it’s these little thoughts that end up doing quite a bit of damage.

Ready to make a change for the positive? Keep reading to learn more.

What Are You Thinking About?

In this day and age, it’s easy to get caught up in the flow of things. Most of us are busy all day every day with scarcely a moment for ourselves. Between 8 or more hours of work, running errands, keeping the house clean, spending time with friends, and making sure we eat, there’s not much time in the day for anything else. And that includes sleep!

This is exactly when it gets easy to start beating yourself up for things. Because it’s so hard to get a full night’s sleep, frustration starts to set in and that’s when the negative thinking starts. 

There’s a Better Way

No matter who you are, how much you have to do, or how you speak to yourself, there’s room for improvement. Perhaps you’re struggling with a particularly challenging event in your life. Maybe you’ve had a hard time staying positive for years. 

Whatever the case may be, we think it’s important to start being kinder to yourself. Find ways to stop negative thinking. For example, if you dislike your hair, think about something about yourself that you do like. If you’ve spent too much money on fast food, reassure yourself that it’s because you’re busy and resolve to cook a meal or two at home in the next few days.

There are plenty of opportunities to challenge yourself to start thinking about things in a more positive light, so we’d like to invite you to get creative. Need some help? We have you covered!

Give Mindfulness Meditation a Try

At Mind and Soul Therapy, one of the services we offer is mindfulness meditation. It has been shown to help improve emotional, behavioral, and mental health and we’d love nothing more than to show you the ways that you can start making your life a little better.

If you’d like to rebalance your life, this is a great place to start. Of course, we offer a variety of other services designed to bring joy, contentment, and happiness to your life. Feel free to explore our website to learn more or contact us today if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you and we can’t wait to help you find the unique areas in your life that are due for a change.