How Neuro-Emotional Technique Practitioners Help Their Patients

Jun 21, 2021Blog

Neuro-emotional techniques, also known as NET, is a treatment that helps to unblock your emotions to facilitate healing. When an emotional disturbance goes unresolved, we tend to store this trauma in our body. We may experience mental stress, migraines, or chronic body pain as a result. In this post, we will guide you through the process that neuro-emotional technique practitioners use to help heal emotional wounds.

How Does NET Work?

From the moment we are in our mother’s womb, we go through different stages in our life—growing up, present, and future. The future is not about our predictions but about the fact that the future can cause you stress in the present.

The purpose of NET is to look for that stressor, no matter what point in time it occurs. Here is a 5-step process:

Step 1: Come with a personal declaration to your first NET session.

This is a statement about something that you wish to work on and be okay with. There is no right or wrong for personal declarations. However, the closer your statement gets to the core of your problems, the better the results will be. The formula for a personal declaration is:

I’m okay + [insert emotional disturbance to work on]

For example, a personal declaration can be nothing more than “I’m okay having insomnia” or “I’m okay feeling depression.”

Saying you are “okay” experiencing or feeling something does not mean that you view it positively. It only means that you acknowledge the issue and want to open your mind to the matter you are working on.

Step 2: Neuro-emotional technique practitioners typically do a muscle testing afterwards.

You will put a hand straight in front of you. We push down on this hand while you resist the motion, searching for strength or weakness in that hand.

If it is strong, the personal declaration has an emotional connection with your body. We then continue with the technique and ask you some questions. At this point, we will also do some mapping, check several points on your wrist, connect them with certain emotions, and identify those emotions.

Along the way, we will talk back and forth. There will be a moment where you have an emotional connection with something we discuss.

Step 3: Once we identify the emotion you are experiencing, we place you in a “correction position.”

You will press the point on your wrist that corresponds to this emotion, then place your palm on your forehead while your body leans forward.

Sometimes we remember what happened and not what we felt—or vice versa. Some individuals remember both the event and the feeling. Neuro-emotional technique practitioners will tell you to connect with that feeling or snapshot you remember. We help you bring your body and physiology to that memory so we can eliminate the stressor.

Every person processes and eliminates their stressor differently. Some cry. Some feel anger, sadness, cold, warmth, sweat, shivers, clarity, understanding, or a multitude of other physical and emotional sensations.

Step 4: Once your mind moves on from the memory that we are processing, you will sit back up.

Your practitioner will then retest the original sentence and personal declaration. If your hand was initially weak—it should now be strong in order to affirm that we positively eliminated a stressor related to an emotional event.

Step 5: Continue with your treatment for as long as you need.

Even if we eliminated one stressor, this elimination does not suggest that the event will not affect you anymore. We will repeat the personal declaration as many times as we need to until that hand stays strong from the first time you say it. This may take multiple sessions, depending on the person.

Heal Your Mind and Body

For a consultation with one of our neuro-emotional technique practitioners today, reach us online or call us at (305) 456-1014.