Do Telehealth Mental Health Care Visits Work?

Mar 15, 2020Blog

Under normal circumstances, it can be difficult to make it to the doctor’s office. Everyone is busy, and it’s pretty easy to just keep putting it off. As we all know well by now, though, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, sometimes it is next to impossible to visit a health professional. For this reason, Mind & Soul Therapy is starting to offer telehealth mental health care visits to our patients so that they can continue to receive the benefits of our mental health and other services without putting themselves and their families at risk of contracting the coronavirus.

You might be asking yourself, “Does telemedicine really work?”

I could just say yes and be done with it, but in this post, I want to really emphasize why telehealth for mental health is a great alternative for those who can’t visit us in the office.

Right Now, It’s the Best Option

Many people were caught off guard by how fast the virus has spread and how quickly things have shut down, but it makes sense if you think about it. The more everyone practices social distancing and other best practices for preventing the spread of the coronavirus, the more people will make it through this difficult time.

For many people who are either immunocompromised or who have underlying health conditions, this is a life or death situation.

At Mind & Soul Therapy, we want to help our community and the country flatten the curve, which is why we decided to close our physical location. However, we want to make sure that those who need mental health services from us can still receive them. While these types of services are almost always better when provided in a confidential, face-to-face setting, right now with COVID-19, it’s not possible. Telehealth is the best, safest option.

Accessibility and Convenience

With that said, I don’t want to give anyone the idea that telehealth mental health care is without merit in everyday life. Even if we were not facing a global pandemic, telehealth is still integral for those who need better accessibility and convenience. Many people who have impaired mobility or who otherwise cannot see a mental health professional in person rely on telehealth for their mental health care needs.

In the meantime, while we try to wait things out, our telehealth services allow our patients to continue care, even if they just want to keep us informed of how they are doing with their anxiety or depression symptoms.

The Stigma of Receiving Mental Health Services

Telehealth mental health care also has an added benefit—more privacy. Like it or not, people today still face stigma if they receive care for their mental health. A large part of society still doesn’t realize that there’s no shame in these services. Many people avoid getting the care they need because they are afraid of how it will make them look. With telehealth, you can receive quality care without having to leave the comfort of your own home.

If you’re curious about the types of services we offer, keep reading below.

The Telehealth Mental Health Care Services We Offer

  • Psychotherapy
  • Counseling
  • Medication management for pain and other conditions
  • Consultations for herbal and homeopathic supplementation

We want to continue helping people, so if you want to learn more about our services, get in touch with me today. Though COVID-19 has disrupted life, we have changed the whole system of our office to accommodate our patients. Set up a video or telephone appointment today.